About Us

Sometimes in late 2002, several ideas of starting a regular children’s magazine started taking shape among a group of educators who were appalled at the deterioration of English language seen in today’s generation. The motto was “catch them young”.  A very enthusiastic team of the editorial board worked round the clock from home or from table tops whenever available with a small functional office was able to finally come up with the first issue of “Little Hands” on July 15th 2013 with Dr Ravindran Nair as chief editor. Since then we have successfully published more than 50 editions carrying features, stories, poems, book reviews, crossword puzzles, and child-related activities sent in by child contributors to educate students across the different sections of society.

We encourage and publish original creative writing and drawing and paintings by children. It should be a joint effort and we hope for many Little Hands to take up their reading and writing and become part of this family.

Chief Editor – Prof. Dr. Usha Menon

A Professor of English with over 40years experience and having spent a good part of her life teaching and uplifting communication skills of children and adult alike. She has a number of publications and paper presentations to her credit. 

…or something like this:

Other Editorial Members

  1. Prof. G. N. Panikkar, a literary stalwart of th state. He has served as the State PRD Director and the Governor’s PRO.
  2. Prof. Balakrishnan, a renowned script writer (of the Swathi Thirunal fame). He served as the Governor’s PRO after his retirement from University teaching.
  3. Prof. Leela Mary Koshy, an eminent Scholar, she served as the National Vice president of YWCA. She has 4 book publications to her credit.